Saturday, October 1, 2016

He's a Vlogger!

Hey friends,

This week I was not having the whole typing thing, so I've decided to bless you all with my wit and humor in live action. Take it away, Zack.


Precious 민영 Min Yeong being precious

After the second strong aftershock from the earthquake, we all went to sit in the middle of a soccer field. It's ok though, because we brought snacks.
Fambam watching TV in the fancy 온돌방 Heated Floor room.

The 신라 Silla Dynasty pagoda replica.

My host mom wanted to take a picture of me around every corner

All the upcoming pictures are just random food.....

1 comment:

  1. Awww, Zack! Hang in there! You are doing amazing things and we are all SOOO proud of you back here at "home". As for the teaching thing, it will come. Half the time it's just figuring out what works, and if something doesn't work, try something else, and eventually you'll find the solutions. Teaching is a muscle--take it from your old violin teacher! The more you do it, the easier it gets.;) We miss you too, but never forget how awesome you are. Big hugs from Texas! I'd send you Tex-Mex, but I think it would confuse the customs officers...
